Our business is stewarded and governed by experienced people, committed to shared Waitomo values and ethics.
- Our Rangatira Jimmy Ormsby and wife Ailsa Ormsby are the sole shareholders of Waitomo Group.
- Waitomo’s day-to-day operations are managed by a Senior Leadership Team, alongside a Management team of experts in their area - across finance, IT, marketing and communications, site development, sales, asset, and fleet management.
- Our Board of Directors is made up of three independent Directors and our owners Jimmy and Ailsa Ormsby.
- Collectively, the Board has more than 100 years’ experience in fuel, business, banking, farming, and investments. All of them hold Directorships at other prominent organisations.
- We’re also guided by our kaumatua, Grey Ormsby, former General Manager and Chairman of Waitomo.
- Our Board is governed by a Board Charter and Code of Ethics. A Board of Directors interest register is held by the company and updated quarterly.
- Ethically, we hold ourselves to a very high standard, and we’re well- respected by Government, our fuel partners, and the wider business community, as an ethical market participant. Credibility is critical to our success.
- Our Board is accountable for making sustainable, long-term investment decisions, which will leave a legacy for future generations.
- We follow Board best practice, and our Company Secretary has trained with the Institute of Directors and Governance New Zealand.
- We are actively engaged in industry consultation on government policies relating to the fuel industry (including, in recent years, the Commerce Commission’s Market Study into retail fuel, the Fuel Industry Bill / Act and regulations, and the proposed Sustainable Biofuels and Minimum Fuel Stockholding Mandates), because we believe these initiatives will deliver a more competitive and sustainable fuel industry for Kiwis. Government Ministers and the Commerce Commission have acknowledged the part Waitomo, and other low-cost operators like us, have in delivering more competition to the New Zealand retail fuel market.
- Year on year, our Board of Directors and Management Team have delivered incremental earnings and operational growth.
- Our financial performance is audited annually by independent auditors (PwC) to ensure prudent financial stewardship of the business.