Alastair Wilson

Group Manager - Sales and Operations

Mobile: 027 203 8049

After a career in fuel spanning 18 years with BP and Exxon Mobil, here and in Australia, we were lucky enough to cajole Al into joining our team in 2021. Alastair brings a wealth of fuels knowledge to draw from. His experience includes commercial fuels, convenience retail, category management, independent dealership management, sales, and marketing. Alastair now heads up our awesome team of expert regional-based Account Managers, as well as having overall responsibility for the safe operations of our bulk fleet and mini-tanker services.Married to Emma, they are now empty nesters with two adult sons Matt and Josh who are finding their way in the world, and bulldog Gracie. Having recently moved to the mighty Waikato, they now reside in Cambridge. Outside work, you’ll find Alastair carving up mountain bike trails around Rotorua or the two of them exploring all the good things the region has to offer.

Alastair Wilson